To My Valued Friends and Clients,

Hello! October is my month to share the spotlight with Dave, our Production & Facilities Maintenance Manager. Dave's been with Moran Iron Works for a very long, long time and I've shared a few stories about him, that have made you laugh. So I'm surprised he has chosen to not share a few stories about me. He must be saving them for something good. We all know he has plenty.
Dave has learned just about every piece of machinery in the shop. He started at MIW sweeping floors over 28 years ago and has always shown potential. That's why he the one we count on today too oversee the shop. He's here everyday at 5:00am and stays past 4:00pm. He's not afraid of hard work and will get his hands dirty with the best of them as we work for the next deadline. In the photo he's working on a project that has a deadline quickly approaching. Knowing the bulk of his crew were working on the granulation basins, Dave grabbed a welder and started helping out. It's just what he does! Thanks Dave for the laughs over the years and for always being a great sport.
I hope you'll enjoy Dave's version of our newsletter.
Tom Moran