The second Watermaster AMD 5000 was successfully delivered to its new owner, Midwest Amphibious Equipment of Grand Rapids, Minnesota on Thursday, June 1. Moran Iron Works (MIW) and Ann Arbor-based Watermaster North America (WMNA) partnered to manufacture this Finnish-engineered AMD 5000 Amphibious Multipurpose Dredging machine.
MIW and WMNA collaborated to host an unveiling of the machine in which an operator demonstrated its capabilities of pivoting on land using hydraulic “legs” and front-end excavator.
The Watermaster AMD 5000 is a NVDC registered, Jones Act compliant vessel designed to perform various maritime construction and dredging projects in waters up to 20 feet deep. The 5th generation machine is used for suction dredging, excavating, and pile driving as well as building marinas. The first U.S.A. produced vessel is being used to break up ice in the canals of New York State.
Tom Moran, MIW President and CEO, stated “We are proud to be a part of the Watermaster team and produce a machine that is superior to anything in the industry. Our partners at Watermaster have been steadfast on quality and commitment and those traits are the same here at Moran Iron Works. This combination will produce the finest products for market needs here in the USA and we look forward to producing the best for our clients.”
The successful collaboration between Moran Iron Works and Watermaster North America exemplifies MIW’s commitment to innovation and meeting the diverse needs of the maritime industry. The introduction of the second Watermaster AMD 5000 to the U.S. market marks another significant milestone, opening up new possibilities for efficient and environmentally friendly dredging and construction operations.
Watch a quick demo of the machine in action. *Note the video speed is increased to 1.5 times