PIE&G's Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) project has resumed after the winter break as meters and more 100-foot towers (manufactured for PIE&G by Moran Iron Works of Onaway) will be installed. Communications equipment mounted high on the towers will help PIE&G collect meter readings, detect outages for faster response and restorations, and identify potential issues for repairs or maintenance. So far, PIE&G has installed approximately 17,000 advanced meters (about half of its system). The new system will provide members with the most advanced, secure, and reliable technology available. On the fiber front, PIE&G continues to develop its digital maps of the electric distribution system and construction of the network has begun in the Onaway area. PIE&G has several “pilot” connections made and is currently testing the system and processes. Together with the new building, AMI will allow PIE&G to provide members with modern, enhanced services, add efficiencies to daily operations and will help improve reliability. Access to high-speed internet has become a staple in daily life and is as essential as our electricity and natural gas service. Watch for updates from pieg.com, on Facebook, or in Spotlight and Country Lines.
(as featured in The Spotlight June 2022 by PIE&G)